Sleeping well can lead to a happier and healthier life. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it could be because of the environment around your bed.
Here are some tips to help create a sleep-friendly bedroom.
Get a comfortable mattress and pillow
The importance of a good mattress is often overlooked, but it’s an essential aspect of sleeping well and feeling rested in the morning. A bad mattress will cause back pain and lead to poor quality sleep overall, which means less energy throughout the day!
Your mattress should be comfortable because it needs to support your body correctly. Here are some things to consider when choosing a mattress:
Size and firmness
Your size and weight will determine which size of bed you need, but other factors can also affect this. For example, if you have back problems or arthritis, a firmer mattress will be more supportive than one that’s too soft.
Temperature regulation
A good night’s sleep requires getting comfortable instead of tossing and turning—this makes temperature regulation an important factor when purchasing new sheets and pillows (or upgrading old ones).
You may not know where to start with so many options available today—from organic cotton to down comforters!
Ensure the environment is cool
The environment of your bedroom should be cool. You may think you need all the heat your HVAC system can provide, but many people sleep better when the temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit (Between 16 and 22 Celsius).
If you’re feeling too hot or sweaty at night, try using a fan to create airflow through the room. This will promote good circulation, which will help improve sleep quality.
If you live in a dry climate or have air conditioning, consider using a humidifier in addition to—or instead of—a fan during the summer months (and winter months if needed).
A humidifier adds moisture back into the air so that when you breathe out through your nose while sleeping, it won’t feel like an arid wasteland!
Paint your bedroom in soothing colors
The color of your bedroom can significantly impact how you sleep. Studies have shown that blue, green, purple, and yellow are the most relaxing colors for sleep, while reds and oranges aren’t as good for creating a soothing environment.
To make sure your bedroom is sleep-friendly, paint walls in soft pastels like light blue or pale green for an instant calming effect. Avoid darker shades like burgundy or navy blue.
Soothing colors will ensure that you and your children get a better night of sleep.
Keep your bedroom clutter-free
Clear out your bedroom, and keep it clean
This is the most critical step in making a bedroom a sleep-friendly place. By clearing out your bedroom, you will reduce clutter, but you’ll also free up space for an extra mattress if you have guests staying over.
To start with: Remove books from nightstands, dressers, and closets; put them in boxes or store them elsewhere in the house.
Next on our list would be toys—both kids’ toys and adult ones—that might be cluttering up corners of rooms or stuffed under the bed.
Finally, we recommend removing electronics such as televisions and computers from bedrooms altogether; they’re just too stimulating at night time!
Clear surfaces of unnecessary items
Clear surfaces of unnecessary items like remotes and magazines so that they don’t distract from being able to fall asleep fast when laying down at night time.
Have a daily routine to help you unwind
Having an evening routine is important for preparing yourself for sleep. It would help if you unwound, so try doing something that helps you relax—take a bath, watch some TV, or do some light reading.
If unwinding isn’t something you can do regularly, try practicing mindfulness exercises.
For example, when you first get into bed at night, stop what you’re doing and take three deep breaths.
Then imagine that each breath is bringing the energy down through your legs and feet into the earth below them—this will help ground and center you.
This exercise allows you to focus on your breathing instead of other parts of your life which may be causing stress – like work deadlines or family issues.
Limit blue light exposure before bedtime
In a study done by the Lighting Research Center, blue light was shown to interfere with our circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep.
Blue light is emitted from our phones and computers and has been proven to suppress melatonin production in the brain—the hormone that helps us sleep.
So how do you get rid of blue light? Avoid looking at your phone or computer before bedtime (yes, even if you’re trying to finish up work).
A good night’s sleep can make your day. Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality are associated with many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression.
We all know how easy it is to focus after getting some zzzs! It takes about eight hours for our brains to reach their peak performance levels. Without them, we’re just not as sharp or creative as we could be.
If you want to discover more about good stuff like creating a sleep-friendly bedroom, feel free to visit our article section with various home improvement topics.
Thanks for reading!