Common Mistakes People Make When Selling Their Homes

red house

Selling your house is a big decision, and there are a lot of factors to consider. Home is one of the most expensive items you’ll ever sell, and you’ll want to avoid some common home-selling mistakes.

Asking for more money than the property is worth

Don’t price your home too high. One of the biggest mistakes sellers can make is asking for more money than the property is worth. 

There are several reasons why you should avoid overpricing your home. High prices tend to scare off potential buyers who assume that the sellers are asking for more than they’re worth. 

In addition, there’s also a chance that you could end up paying more than necessary in terms of commissions and other fees if your house doesn’t sell quickly enough–and that’s always a bad thing!

It’s important to be realistic about what your home is worth in today’s market. If you’re willing to negotiate, you’ll have a better chance of getting the price you want (and deserve).

To determine its value, you should consider:

  • The condition of your home
  • Its location and neighborhood
  • What’s happening with similar properties nearby or in other areas of town

Setting an unrealistic closing date

Setting an unrealistic closing date. If you’re selling your home, it’s critical to select a closing date that is both realistic and aggressive. 

Why? Because the longer your house sits unsold, the less likely you are to get the price you want for it. Some studies have found that listing too soon and then sitting on the market for two months without a single offer can reduce your eventual sale price by 20%. 

In addition to potentially lowering your asking price, this could also mean paying more in mortgage payments while waiting for those extra weeks or months to pass before finally finding a buyer.

To avoid these costs—and all of the stress they entail—set an end date when you list your home with us that allows prospective buyers time enough to find what they’re looking for but doesn’t leave them frustrated with their search (or yours!).

Neglecting to consider your target audience

If you’re selling your home, it’s important to consider your target audience. You don’t want to spend time and money making structural changes that would appeal only to a particular group of buyers.

Instead, make small changes that appeal to the general population—people who are most likely to buy your property. 

For example, if you know that most people in your area prefer hardwood floors over carpeting or vinyl tile, then replace carpeting or vinyl tile with hardwood flooring before putting it on the market.

Think about what will appeal to the buyers. If you’re selling a house in an urban area, consider adding modern or industrial elements that might be attractive in this setting—like concrete countertops and exposed ductwork.

Not maintaining curb appeal

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many homebuyers notice the things that you don’t see. For example, suppose your lawn isn’t mowed regularly, or your driveway or walkway is piled high with leaves or other debris. In that case, potential buyers will assume that you don’t take care of the rest of your yard either — even though it might be perfectly green otherwise!

The same goes for keeping your house clean and tidy: If visitors enter a home that’s dusty and messy because there’s been construction work going on inside (another common mistake), they’ll assume that all other areas of the house will be equally dirty — again regardless of whether this is true or not!

So what should you do? Make sure you keep up on basic maintenance tasks like:

  • mowing the lawn regularly; 
  • clearing away any fallen branches from trees; 
  • trimming overgrown shrubs; 
  • cleaning off dirty windowsills; 
  • removing clutter from flowerbeds; 
  • washing exterior siding, so it’s free from dirt or mildew build-up; 
  • repainting when necessary (and not just once every few years); etc. 

The list goes on!

Being overly attached to your home

As the seller, you have to be able to see your home objectively. You need to see it from the buyer’s point of view and not just how much work you’ve put into renovating. If you can’t do this, get someone else capable of doing so.

You also need to make sure that all the cosmetic things are done in a way that will appeal to most buyers and not just yourself or your family.

Disregarding a home inspection or not getting one at all

If you’re selling your home, getting a professional inspection is essential. You may be tempted to skip one if you think everything looks fine, but an inspector can uncover problems that would otherwise be hidden from view. 

A home inspection will help set realistic expectations for buyers and save them from being disappointed when they see their new home. If you’re planning on buying a new home soon, it’s also wise to get a thorough inspection done before making an offer on another property. The same holds if you’re thinking about purchasing an older fixer-upper: You don’t want any surprises waiting for you beneath the surface!

Not understanding the market or doing enough research when you price your home

Pricing your home too high or too low can affect how quickly it sells. It’s crucial to analyze the market and get a good idea of how much your home is worth. 

Also, consider your target audience when pricing your home (e.g., a family looking for something close to school might not be interested in paying top dollar for a house that needs work).


If you’re selling your house, it’s important to make sure the timing is right. The market can vary wildly from region to region and even from city to city, so you must understand the local situation before deciding whether or not it’s time for you to sell. 

It may also help if you look at historical trends for price appreciation overtime to get a better idea about what kind of price range might be realistic for your particular property based on recent history (or lack thereof).

It’s also important that whatever repairs need to be done are taken care of before listing your home on the market because most potential buyers will want complete peace of mind when buying property. 

If there are any issues with functionality or safety, they will likely walk away rather than commit themselves further until those issues have been resolved!

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