To simplify your moving process, you might consider hiring professional movers. You should always lookout for a few things when hiring movers.
We have compiled a list of the most important questions to ask yourself when looking for a moving company:
Recommendations from people you trust
As you are probably aware, many moving companies are in the area. When deciding which one to hire, it is important to look at the past experiences of people who have used them before.
You can ask your friends or family members who have recently moved if they had a good experience with a certain company; this will give you an idea of what types to look out for when hiring another moving company.
You should also consider asking people who have moved in the past; after all, if someone had used a company many times before and enjoyed their services each time they used them, you can be sure that they know what they’re doing when it comes down to hiring movers!
Good reviews
When looking for a company with great reviews, you want to ensure that it’s not just the company itself writing them.
Reviews should be written by actual customers who have used the moving company within the past year. If you’re looking at a moving company with a lot of positive reviews from people who have been in your same situation or even something similar, that’s usually a good sign!
Is the company licensed?
Before hiring a moving company, find out if the company is licensed. This can be done by visiting your state’s Department of Transportation website and searching for the company’s name in their database.
If they are not listed as licensed carriers, steer clear! Moving companies require licensing from each state in which they operate. An excellent way to make sure that you are hiring a reputable company is to check whether or not they have been bonded by their state.
This is important because it means that if anything goes wrong during your move (like damage or loss), then there will be money set aside so that you can file a claim against them for damages caused by them or their employees during your move.
Make sure that any mover has adequate insurance coverage —
Like any other business owner who needs liability insurance coverage, movers should also carry such protection.
If something happens while on the job (such as an accident), they will be covered financially and legally through their own personal policy of healthcare and/or/or liability coverage.
How is the company insured?
Ask for proof of insurance. If a moving company doesn’t provide you with proof of insurance, don’t hire them. This is one of the most important aspects to consider when hiring a moving company, and it should be mandatory for any potential candidate to meet this requirement before being considered for the job.
Ask for proof of insurance coverage. Ensure that the company has at least $1 million in liability coverage—and ideally more than that—in case there’s an accident during your move or damage occurs while in transit.
Ask for proof of insurance coverage limits and exclusions. Ensure that there are no exclusions or limitations on what sort of damages are covered by your new movers’ policy; some policies will exclude certain property types (like jewelry or antiques).
What does the company charge for insurance?
In addition to the usual transportation, packing, and labor costs, the company you hire should charge you an appropriate amount for insurance. Check if they offer it or not, and if they do, ask questions about how much it costs and what is covered by the policy.
If anything happens during your move that isn’t covered by their insurance policy (for example, damage to your furniture or belongings), are there other ways for them to make things right?
If a moving company does not offer any kind of insurance but still insists on charging you for it anyway, walk away from them immediately; this is probably because they are trying to save money by avoiding paying out any claims by keeping those policies in force.
It seems common sense that moving companies wouldn’t want their customers’ valuables damaged while being transported—but sometimes people do stupid things!
There’s no need for anyone involved in your move to take unnecessary chances with their safety just so somebody else can save money on something as important as this.
How does the company calculate its estimate?
You may be surprised to find out that most moving companies will give you an estimate based on your information.
For example, if you have just one bedroom, a small kitchen and dining room, and a large living room (in other words, not a ton of furniture), the company should be able to provide you with an estimate based on the amount of space they’ll need and how far apart each item is from its destination.
However, if you are moving into or out of a place where there’s lots of square footage or many different rooms with various shapes, sizes, and levels of clutter — especially if your belongings are precious — it might be worthwhile to pay for professional packing services so that movers can ensure everything reaches its destination safely (and unbroken).
Make Sure the Mover is Aware of Everything that Must Be Moved
When you hire a moving company, it’s important to make sure that the movers know everything that must be moved. You should list all your belongings on an inventory sheet and have them sign off on it. This will help you avoid any surprises—or mishaps—during the move.
In addition to this list, make sure to mention any items of high value or importance (like family heirlooms) so that they can be treated with extra care during the move.
You should also let them know if you have any appliances or large items like couches or tables; these may require special equipment to transport them safely.
Finally, don’t forget about fragile items such as lamps or vases; fragile objects should always be packed separately from other objects and placed in protective boxes when being transported by professional movers
When you do receive an estimate, make sure you understand all of its terms and conditions
Once you’ve received a quote, make sure you understand all of its terms and conditions. If you don’t know what something means or how it affects your move, ask! It’s important to understand exactly what is and isn’t included in the estimate so that no surprises come up during your move.
If an estimate seems too high or too low, ask for more details about each line item. For example, if an estimate has a line item for “packing supplies” but doesn’t specify what kind of packing supplies will be used—or even if there are any packing supplies at all—ask about it before signing off on any estimates from this company.
It’s important to do your research before you hire a moving company
When looking for a moving company, it’s essential to do your research. The best way to start is by reading reviews of the companies you are considering hiring.
You can also ask if anyone knows any reliable movers in your area. You should also look at the moving company’s website and see what kinds of services they offer and how much those services cost.