Make Sure Your HVAC System is Ready for Spring

HVAC system

While many of us are getting ready for the spring and summer months, our HVAC systems must also be prepared. If you haven’t checked your system for years, it’s time to get it ready! Here are some tips to ensure your heating and cooling system is in great shape to enjoy a comfortable home this spring and summer.

Clean the coils

The coils are part of your air conditioner that cools the outside air and turns it into cool, comfortable indoor air. If you can’t clean them yourself, call for professional help.

The best way to clean them is with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner attachment. Be sure not to use anything sharp or abrasive. You don’t want to damage anything else in your system!

If you have hard-to-reach areas where dirt collects on top of or behind your unit (such as between vents), consider having these cleaned professionally once every few years.

Check the filters

Changing the filters is a simple task that should be done every 3 months. Here’s how:

  • Remove the old filter from its housing and discard it.
  • Insert the new filter into its housing and secure it with screws or clips, depending on your model.
  • Clean any dust off your HVAC system’s exterior using a soft cloth and mild detergent, if necessary (some filters come pre-treated). Be sure not to use abrasives or harsh chemicals like bleach or paint thinner when cleaning your unit! If you have trouble finding replacement filters in stores near you.

Flush out the line set

Flush out the line set.

If you have a central air conditioning system, there’s a good chance that your home has a line set. This is the tubing that connects your outdoor unit to your indoor unit and carries refrigerant through it. Over time, dirt and debris can build up inside this tube, mineral deposits, and insects or spiders (yep!). In order for your AC system to function properly during springtime weather changes, it needs to be clean! Especially when summer rolls around.

Change the compressor oil

It’s not just the air conditioner that needs to be maintained. The compressor oil should also be changed annually, and it’s not difficult.

The first step is to remove the drain plug from your unit’s condenser fan motor. Then expose the compressor by removing its cover plate, revealing its pulley and belt. This will allow you access to where you’ll add new oil (you can also drain old fluid into a bucket). Finally, pour in some new refrigerant (about 2 ounces per gallon of new refrigerant), then replace all related parts before starting up your HVAC system again.

Check refrigerant levels and pressures

The next step is to check the refrigerant levels and pressures. This step is essential. It can help you determine whether or not your HVAC system needs to be serviced or repaired.

If you find low refrigerant levels in the system: You will need to add more refrigerant before using it again. Make sure that you have some on hand before starting this process! If your unit doesn’t have any leftover from last year’s servicing and repair work done on it by an HVAC professional (or if there was no such work done), then call them now so they can come out as soon as possible and refill the system with new R-410A liquid refrigerant at just $6 per pound. This means that even if all four pounds were used up by summertime last year, only two would need replacing this time ($12 total).

If high pressures are detected instead: This could mean several things depending on how much pressure was found during testing. For example: If too much pressure has built up within either one particular part (such as inside coils) or throughout multiple components simultaneously due solely

because temperatures were kept lower than usual during winter, simply lowering those temperatures back down again should suffice until warmer weather arrives once more, when things should go back down naturally.

Have a professional inspect the system

A professional can find problems you might not be able to see and recommend solutions to those problems. A professional inspection should be done every three years. If your system is older than 10 years, it’s best to schedule an inspection sooner rather than later.

Clean out the inside of your unit

Cleaning the inside of your unit is a great way to extend its life. You can use a vacuum to clean out any dust or debris that has settled on top of the coils, condenser, and evaporator. If you’ve got a window into the blower compartment, use it as an opportunity to get rid of any loose debris there as well.


Now that you better understand how to keep your HVAC system running smoothly, we hope it will help you make the most out of this spring’s warm weather. If you still have questions about how to care for your system or if something isn’t working properly, contact us today!