What is the Perfect Size for the Master Bedroom?

master bedroom

If you’re in the market for a master bedroom, you know it’s not always easy to find one that meets your needs. The right size can make all the difference in your home, so it’s important to do your research and ensure that your new room will work for you. It might seem like it’s all about square footage and dimensions, but many other factors come into play when determining what makes a perfect master bedroom size. In this article, we’ll look at everything from bed placement and lighting options to closet space so you can get an idea of what makes each size ideal for bedrooms—and how much floor space is needed for each!

Already Know What You Are Looking For

What you are looking for in a bedroom. Is it spacious and airy? Is it cozy and intimate? Do you want a room that can act as an office, playroom, and guest space?

How much space do you have to work with? If the master bedroom is on the small side, then floor plans must be adapted accordingly. One way of doing this is using built-in storage units along walls or under beds to maximize space. Another option is putting up bookcases around the room so as not to clutter up areas people pass through often (like doorways). Spacious bedrooms don’t necessarily mean large ones. Some of them work best when they’re smaller than average so that all furniture has less distance between pieces—making everything feel more connected even though there isn’t much distance between them!

You Need a Bed and Night Tables

The bed is the most important piece of furniture in your master bedroom. A good mattress can make all the difference regarding a restful night’s sleep, so it’s worth researching which mattresses are ideal for you and your partner. The mattress should be comfortable and supportive, at least 6 inches longer than you are tall and at least 6 inches wider than you are wide.

Some experts recommend going even further: according to Dr. Robert Oexman from Sleep Education Institute, “The average adult male should have a mattress that is at least 12 inches thick.”

A Bedroom has Become a Place to Relax

A bedroom has become a place to relax, unwind and get away from it all. It should be a place you can go to when you need quiet time or if your partner needs some space. The perfect size for the master bedroom will consider all of these things while maintaining an air of elegance and style that matches your personality.

A master bedroom should be large enough to have plenty of room for storage but not so big that it feels empty when there’s no one in there with you! Also, don’t forget about windows—they’re important for giving light into the bedroom and ensuring it feels inviting!

A Master Bedroom Should Not be a Walkway

The master bedroom should be a sanctuary. It should be a place where you can relax, unwind and feel comfortable. A large bed is one of the most important elements of a successful master bedroom design because it provides visual interest and acts as a focal point for the entire room. The size of your bed will help determine how much space you have left in your room for other features like storage or seating arrangements. If you have enough room for both, consider adding some beautiful armchairs that complement each other and add extra comfort to your space!

If there are children in the home or guests on occasion who need to stay overnight, they may want something more than just an air mattress!

The size of an adult mattress is typically around 38″ x 75″, which leaves plenty of room on either side without any significant obstructions (except maybe another person).

Any Size is Possible if the Budget is Big Enough

Even if a home has the budget to build a master bedroom that’s larger than most people would ever need, it might not be the best choice. A small master bedroom can be ideal for someone who likes to be cozy. A large master bedroom may require an open-concept living room and kitchen area, making the home feel less intimate and more like a hotel or apartment-style space.

If you’re unsure whether your current home will work with what you want in terms of size, consider hiring an architect or interior designer to help design your dream house from scratch (minus all of those pesky building permits).


If you are trying to decide what size is right for your master bedroom, remember these things: it should be big enough to fit all your furniture and still feel cozy. A large room with few pieces will feel empty, while something smaller would make it seem crowded. The size of the bed should also be taken into consideration when deciding on dimensions. Whether you are looking for a king or queen-sized mattress could change how much space is needed for two people to sleep comfortably together without feeling cramped up beside each other!