Advantages of a Single-Story Home

single story home

A lot of people want to live in a single-story home. They’re popular among empty nesters and retirees who want to downsize. But they also make sense for young families who need the extra space or might not have the means to build a second story. Many of today’s hottest neighborhoods are built on one-story plat plans—from Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood and Brooklyn’s DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) district to Los Angeles’ trendy Arts District. So, what other reasons would someone have to want to live in a single-story house?


One of the biggest advantages of a single-story home is that it is less expensive. A lower overall cost to construct means you can get more home for your money and save money on high mortgage payments.

A single-story design means less material is needed for construction, reducing the labor needed to build the house and decreasing construction time. Additionally, since less land is needed for a single-story house than a two or three-story structure, there are fewer costs associated with purchasing and maintaining the land and paying taxes on it. This leads to lower insurance costs due to fewer risks associated with building an accessible structure in a flood zone (elevation above ground level) or earthquake zone (built near vulnerable fault lines).

When all things are considered together, these cost benefits make owning a single-story home more affordable than most other types of homes out there today!


Keeping an eye on your kids with a single-story home is easy. You can easily see them from the kitchen, and they’ll be able to see you wherever they are in the house. This eliminates the need for gates or other safety precautions that might otherwise be necessary since your child will always know where you are.

In addition, it means that no matter where you’re situated in the house, you can monitor who is at your front door without difficulty. Even if it’s dark outside and someone has arrived at night. There will still be enough light to make out their face or identity. 

Historic Trends

Single-story homes have been around for a long time, and their design is particularly efficient. You’ll find that single-story homes were more common in the past—especially in older parts of towns or cities. This is because they are easier to build. They require less wood than multi-level houses (generally on a per-square-foot basis), which means they’re more cost-effective overall. Plus, unlike multi-level homes, they don’t require extra steps or staircases. Staircases can become problematic if you have kids who play around the house often.

Of course, there are some disadvantages to living in a single-story home. If you have pets or children, having them indoors might be something you must consider before deciding what type of house would suit them best!

Low Maintenance

One of the biggest advantages of a single-story home is that it needs less maintenance than its two-story counterparts. This includes yard work and landscaping; you don’t need to worry about tending to multiple levels. You also won’t have to spend time painting or repairing things if they start falling apart. The ground level is one big surface that can be easily maintained by yourself or a professional.


A single-story is a great option for many homeowners. It’s an affordable option with many benefits, including low maintenance and safety. Historical trends also support the idea of living in a single-story home, which means you can feel good about your decision to buy one!